
The Jean Monnet Network European Identity, Culture, Exchanges and Multilingualism (EUROMEC) aims to build knowledge and become a reference point for researchers in the themes of European identity, culture, European citizenship, exchanges and multilingualism.

The network is coordinated by  the Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “, with the support of the ” Jean Monnet” initiative of Erasmus+ programme on the European Commission. More information About the project.


During the project were carried out 3 summer schools and 13 events (seminars, workshops, conferences and final conference). For further information check “Еvents” section!

Jean Monnet

Within the Erasmus+ Programme, the Jean Monnet Activities aim at promoting excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide. These activities also aim at fostering the dialogue between the academic world and policy-makers, in particular with the aim of enhancing governance of EU policies. More information on Jean Monnet activities.



The Jean Monnet Network EUROMEC brings together a consortia of 8 international partners in the area of European Union studies from Bulgaria, Slovakia, Ireland, Poland, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Belgium and China. For more information on the network partnership, please visit the “Partners” section of the website.

See All events

Event 4C

EUROMEC Summer school 2017

10 July – 15 July 2017, Dublin, Ireland

Identities in urban contexts: the European multilingual city

This third EUROMEC summer school provides an exciting opportunity for …

Event 4B

EUROMEC Summer school 2016

25 June – 02 July 2016, Kiten, Bulgaria

The idea of Europe and its borders in social sciences and the humanities

The summer school “The idea of Europe and its borders …

Event E2

International Conference

6-7 April 2016, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia

Identities, Democracy, Borders

Within Europe, an area of relatively indeterminate contours, attempts at reconciliation and …