E4c EUROMEC Summer school 2017

E4c EUROMEC Summer school 2017

Third Jean Monnet Summer School for PhD students

“Identities in urban contexts: the European multilingual city”

10-15 July, Dublin, Ireland

This third EUROMEC summer school provides an exciting opportunity for doctorate students and early career researchers from various areas within the arts, humanities and social sciences to engage actively in the study of identity in European urban contexts alongside a team of expert academic researchers. Using the findings of the EUROMEC research strand on the European multilingual city, it will feature invited keynote speakers, research roundtables and workshops (10-13 July). The summer school will culminate with the final international conference of the Jean Monnet network (14-15 July). The summer school will take place at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. The venue is the university’s research institute for the Arts & Humanities, the Trinity Long Room Hub.


Detailed information

Application is closed

Q-methodology workshop

Download PQMethod Software: http://schmolck.userweb.mwn.de/qmethod/downpqwin.htm


You can download files from Sofia survey here

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