Е2 International Conference – Identities, Democracy, Borders – 2016
6-7 April 2016, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
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April, 6th 2016
8 h 30 : Welcome/Enregistrement
9 h – 9 h 15 : Opening/Ouverture
Jan Koper
Dean, Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations
Peter Terem
Vice-Dean, Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations
Vladimír Hiadlovský
Rector, Matej Bel University
9 h 15 – 13 h :
First session/Première session
Construire un espace démocratique/Build a democratic space
Chairs/Présidents : Radovan Gura & Gilles Rouet
1) Marine Vekua
Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University
The Universal Values of Democracy and Diversity of Identities
2) Patricia Artimova,
Université d’Ostrava
The use of identity as a form of protest
3) Serge Dufoulon
Université de Grenoble Alpes
Echapper à l’UE (comme institution) pour construire l’Europe
4) Ramaz Lominadze
European Teaching University Tbilissi
The Long Way of Georgia to Europe
5) Niké Wenthold
Université de Groningen
From Dark to Light: The Communist Past as Distant Other on the Bulgarian Road towards European Union Membership
6) Ana Paula Fernandez
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre
Des espaces de sociabilité de l’« entre-deux », les groupes de batucadas brésiliennes en France
7) Mei-Lan Huang
Chang-Gung University of Science &Technology, Taïwan,
Towards an intercultural citizenship community: Mono-culturalism, or interculturalism
8) Nikolina Tsvetkova
Université de Sofia St Clément d’Ohrid
Whose Europe: images from Bulgarian school books and voices from the classroom
9) Louis-Caleb Remanda
Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Understanding European institutions using the institutional embeddedness’ analysis
10) Peter Terem, Ivana Slobodníková & Marek Lenč
Université Matej Bel de Banska Bystrica
When periphery bids for attention. European Union and Germany’s policies towards Ukraine and the implications for Slovakia
13 h – 14 h : Déjeuner/Lunch
14 h – 14 h 10 : Opening of the Second Session
Dušan Chrenek
Head of European Representation in Slovakia
14 h 10 – 17 h 10 : Second session/Deuxième session
Identité(s) & Valeurs/Identities & Values
Chairs/Présidents : Maria Rostekova & Serge Dufoulon
11) Pierre Bauby
Observatoire de l’action publique de la Fondation Jean Jaurès
L’Union européenne : diversité, unité et valeurs communes
12) Maria Holubova & Maria Rostekova
Université Matej Bel de Banska Bystrica
Analogie des aspects historiques de l’évolution de l’identité française et slovaque
13) Marta Zagorsekova
Université d’économie de Bratislava
Issue of European Cultural Identity
14) Anton Fogas & Viktor Verba
Université de Presov
European identity in the context of multiculturalism and migration crisis
15) Jacek H. Kołodziej
Université Jagellon, Cracovie
Imagined enclaves and real community. The dynamics of European values in Poland 2009-2015
16) Kaloyan Haralampiev
Université de Sofia St Clément d’Ohrid
Research into the European identity of Bulgarian university students and their parents by applying Q-methodology
17) Radosveta Drakeva
Université de Sofia St Clément d’Ohrid
Q method in social surveys: challenges and added value
18) Maya Grekova
Université de Sofia St Clément d’Ohrid
Europe and Bulgaria: “European values” in the “Balkan village”
19) Petia Kabakchieva
Université de Sofia St Clément d’Ohrid
Constructing “European Identity” by research. On “Europe”, “EU”, “Europeans”.
April, 7th 2016
9 h 30 – 13 h : Third session/Troisième session
Crises, frontières et identités/Crisis, boundaries & identities
Chairs/Présidents : Maria Stoicheva & Thierry Côme
20) Grzegorz Pozarlik
Université Jagellon de Cracovie
Boundary drawing and identity construction in times of refugee crisis or why do some of us need to draw civilisational boundaries in today’s Europe?
21) Natasza Styczynska
Université Jagellon de Cracovie
Different dimensions of hospitality – refugee crisis in the polish political debate
22) Juliette Rolland & Agnès Bergeret
Université de Savoie Mont Blanc
Construction institutionnelle et dynamiques identitaires de l’espace métropolitain transfrontalier genevois
23) Etienne Ciapin
Université de Grenoble Alpes & Université Matej Bel
Les enjeux frontaliers contemporains de la Transcarpatie vus par ses acteurs
24) Jan Filakovsky
Université d’Ostrava
Influence of Christian churches in the post-Soviet Belarus with regard to the construction of national identity
25) Martin Solik
Université d’Ostrava
The Religious Aspect in the shaping of national identity. A Case Study of Ukraine
26) Sonia Svorakova & François Schmitt
Université Matej Bel de Banska Bystrica, L’identité de l’impuissance
12 h 30 – 14 h : Déjeuner/Lunch
14 h – 17 h 30 : Identities, Democracy, Borders Doctoral Workshop
Chairs: Thierry Côme, Serge Dufoulon, Radovan Gura, Peter Terem & Gilles Rouet
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.