E5 Seminar 1 for “New E5 European young researchers’ identities. Exchanges and European Doctoral studies – an international study of processes and outcomes”
Planning seminar for the project “Doctoral studies – an international study of processes and outcomes”, described in F.2.3
Members of the network in Sofia, Luxembourg and Durham are currently carrying out a pilot study with small internal grants from each university.
This seminar in late 2014 or early 2015 will bring together the participants in these three to review work carried out in 2014 and plan the extension of the project to the Jean Monnet network.
Selected PhD students from each university will be invited to participate to provide them with experience of project planning.
Day 1 morning
– report on progress with the pilot project
Day 1 afternoon
– discussion of data analysis and publication from the pilot project
Day 2 morning
– reports on preliminary discussions with potential participants in expansion of the project
– planning of the main project
Day 2 afternoon
-planning of programme for seminar 2
Host country: England (UK)
N° of participants: 1/2 researchers and 2 PhD students from each of the 3 universities