E6 Strand 2: Seminar New European young researchers’ identities. Exchanges and Doctoral studies – an international study of processes and outcomes, Luxembourg University, 26-27 of May 2016.

E6 Strand 2: Seminar New European young researchers’ identities. Exchanges and Doctoral studies – an international study of processes and outcomes, Luxembourg University, 26-27 of May 2016.

 The two-day seminar is part of Research Strand 2 of the Jean Monnet Network: New European young researchers’ identities. Exchanges and Doctoral studies – an international study of processes and outcomes in the EU. Members of the international research team from Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski, the University of Luxembourg, Durham University, Jagiellonian University and the University of Aveiro discussed their findings.


Dr Caprice Lantz from the Faculty of Health Studies, University of Bradford, UK has been guest lecturer with a public lecture Intercultural Competence: The Missing Criteria in Internationalisation?


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